HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN: De lunes a viernes
10:00 a 17:00 horas
TITULAR Y ENCARGADO Melissa Olguin Sepulveda
REGIONAL BAJA Carretera Transp. KM 29.5 S/N Int. 5 D
CALIFORNIA SUR: La Jolla, SJC, C.P. 23406
San Jose del Cabo, BCS
TELEFONOS: (624) 688 7569
CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: [email protected]
Privacy Notice for Customers
- Depository’s Identity and Domicile
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law for Protection of Personal Information in Possession of Particulars (hereinafter the “Information Law”), its Rules, the General Guidelines for the Privacy Notice and other applicable legislation, we inform you that Sinergia Empresarial Crece, S.A.P.I. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R. (hereinafter the “Depository”) with registered office in Carretera Transpeninsular KM 29.5, Colonia La Jolla, Plaza Península, Local 5D, C.P. 23406, San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur (hereinafter the “Contact Address”), shall treat your personal information in the terms of this Privacy Notice.
- Depository’s Contact information
The Depository has designated a supervisor for personal information (hereinafter the “Privacy Officer”). In case you need any information regarding this Privacy Note or related to the exercise of any of your rights caused by the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer, by e-mail to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
- Purpose of the Use of your Personal Information
Your personal information shall be used for the following purposes:
Required for the legal relationship between the Depository and You (hereinafter the “Owner”):
- To attend the request, analysis, formalization and rendering of the services and products requested by the Owner, including all credit-related proceedings.
- To carry out all the proceedings related to the loan(s) granted to the Owner by the Depository (hereinafter the “Loan” or “Loans”), including the Owner’s identification and acknowledgement.
- To consult credit information institutions about the Owner’s information and credit history.
- To comply with the Federal Law on the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Illicit Resources, its Rules, and all other applicable legislation.
- To estimate the payment feasibility, relying on a qualitative and quantitative information analysis that allows to establish credit solvency and capacity of payment by the Owner.
- The identification, origination, operation and administration of the Loans and contracted services.
- The prevention and/or detection of frauds and other illicit against the Depository and/or the Owner.
- The procurement of insurance by the Depository and/or the Owner that is mandatory and/or relative to the Loans and/or separate and/or additional to them.
- To consult, search and/or review the activities, operations, complaints and/or claims of the Owner in connection with to the Loans.
- To comply with the acquired obligations to and by our customers.
- To inform on changes or new products and/or services that are related to the Loans or contracted services.
- The extrajudicial and/or judicial collection of the Loan granted to the Owner.
- The fulfillment of the laws, regulations, and any applicable legal disposition.
- To solve your inquiries and/or clarifications.
Not needed for the legal relationship between the Depository and the Owner:
- Measuring of the quality of our Service, statistics (including performing internal studies over consuming habits), marketing and/or reports by and/or the Depository, related to the Loan and/or the Owner.
- Advertising, promotion and/or telemarketing to the Owner of the assets, products and/or services rendered by the Depository or any third-party, by any material or electronic means.
You shall be granted 5 business days after the date this Privacy Notice is made available to you to refuse the treatment and process of your personal information to the purposes non-relating to the legal relationship with you by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Otherwise, it shall be understood that the Owner consents to the treatment and process of its personal information for all the purposes above mentioned, waiving to its rights for granting or revoking its consent or opposition.
- Personal information to be processed.
In order to achieve the purpose set forth in paragraph III above, the Depository shall process the following personal information of the Owner:
- Contact information.
- Personal details
- Employment information
- Data of assets and/or financial details
The Depository shall also compile the full name and phone number of the Owner’s personal references, in order to corroborate the information submitted by the Owner to the Depository.
The Depository may gather your personal information either personally, directly or indirectly, when provided for, by using or requesting the products and/or services from the Depository or whenever you participate in promotions or contests sponsored by the Depository, either on the Depository’s website or any other instances permitted by law.
The Owner declares and accepts that it has the consent of all such people as from whom it is providing personal information in their condition of relatives, personal or employment references or emergency contacts, understanding that all such personal information shall be ruled under this Privacy Notice.
Note: The Depository shall not process Sensible Personal Information of the Owner.
- Options to Limit the Use or Release of Personal Information.
In order to enable the Owner to limit the use or release of its personal information as to treat it for any purposes other than the ones strictly needed for the legal relationship between the Owner and the Depository, the Owner may enroll in the Public Registry of Users, according to the Protection and Defense of the User of Financial Services Act. This registry (REUS) allows the Owner to be filed in a database with the purpose to prevent promotional and marketing phone calls in particular numbers (land line or cellular), office numbers or email, seeking to keep its privacy safe and avoid the inconveniences caused by such phone calls or emails. The Owner may enroll at the REUS through the different procedures set on the website:
- Means to Exercise ARCO Rights.
The Owner may exercise at any given time its rights for the access, rectification, cancellation or objection of the treatment we give to its personal information (the “ARCO Rights”). It is important to remark that any and all of these rights is independent in relation to each other, hence, it is not necessary to waiver one to exercise the other.
See below a list of all your ARCO rights:
- Access: The Owner may request at any given time to know the information of its own that has been gathered and is kept at the Depository’s database, as well as the particulars for processing them.
- Rectification: If any of your information is inaccurate or incomplete, you may request the Depository to make a correction in its database, attaching all documentation to accredit such correction.
- Cancellation: The Owner may request at any time the cancellation of its personal information in possession of the Depository, whenever the Owner considers that such information is not necessary for the purposes contemplated in this Privacy Notice, it is used for any purposes other than those consented to, or that the legal relationship between the Owner and the Depository has terminated; if the request is applicable, the information shall be blocked and may not be processed in any way.
- Objection: At any time, the Owner may object the Depository’s treatment of its personal information for specific purposes, for instance, for advertising.
To exercise the ARCO Rights, the Owner or its legal representative, shall prepare a Written Request and submit it electronically to the e-mail: [email protected], or deliver it at the Contact Address, addressed to the Privacy Officer, for its process and follow-up.
It is very important for you to consider the following at the time of submitting your request:
- Fill out (print) the total application clearly.
- Write your name, address and e-mail to inform you on the response of your request.
- Mention the personal information respect of which you intend to exercise any of your rights.
- Attach any documents or information to facilitate the localization of your personal information.
- Attach a copy of your personal ID.
- If the request is made through the legal representative, attach the power of attorney evidencing the capacity conferred by the Owner for this process, or a proxy duly granted by the Owner including the acceptance signature of the attorney-in-fact, before two witnesses, which shall also include the name, signature, address and photocopy of the personal ID of each of the signatories.
- For rectification of information, please attach the necessary documentation to support such modification.
Upon submittal of the request to the Depository by the Owner, we suggest you send a follow-up email.
Our response shall be sent to the e-mail provided for in the request in a term no longer than 20 business days starting on the date the request was received. In case your request is approved, the modification shall be made in a 15 business days term at the latest, commencing on the date said request was received. In case you request the access to your personal information, the Depository shall inform you about your request by e-mail the means you shall be granted access to your information, if applicable. Depository may extend the terms granted herein, only once, for a period exactly the same as the original, which shall be informed to you.
The Depository may reject the exercise of your ARCO Rights to the extent permitted by the Information Law and shall inform you the reasons in case this situation arises.
The rejection may be partial, in which case the Depository shall carry out said access, rectification, cancellation or objection in the appropriate part.
If you consider that your personal information protection rights have been violated by any conduct of our employees or our actions or answers, or if your presume that during the treatment of your personal information there was any violations to what is contained in the Information Law, you may file a complaint or suit at the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Information Protection (INAI).
If you require further information, you may call (866) 509-4657, Monday through Friday 9:00 - 17:00 hours, business days.
- Means for Revoking the Consent for the Process of Personal Information.
To revoke your consent for processing your personal information, you shall submit your request to the Privacy Officer by email to the following address: [email protected].
If after such revocation, you need the confirmation of the same, the Depository shall answer to you expressly.
We inform you that in some cases we might be unable to answer your request or conclude the process of your personal information immediately due to the fact that it is quite likely that we shall be required to process your personal information due to any legal requirement.
- Release of Personal Information.
We inform you that, in order to pursue the purposes mentioned in paragraph III above, the Depository shall release the Owner’s personal information without its consent:
- To financial institutions, investors and/or purchasers to carry out the primary purposes described hereinabove, when the Depository assigns, transfers, affects, levies and/or negotiates, in any way, the rights of the Loan registered in the relative loan agreement(s) to be executed with and/or in the promissory note(s) to be subscribed under said Loan; when the Depository executes mergers and/or splits in which said people are an interested party.
- To local or foreign third-parties when the Depository requires their assistance for operating and/or administrating the Loans.
- To the holding or subsidiaries, affiliates or entities composing the same group as the Depository to carry-out the aforementioned main purposes, when the Depository requires their assistance for the operation and/or administration of the Loan(s) or when the Depository enters into mergers and/or splits in which said people are an interested party.
- To the insurance companies for contracting insurances relative to the Loan(s).
- To the successor and/or beneficiaries of the Loan Rights.
- When a transfer is mandatory, necessary and/or convenient in connection with and/or regarding the Loan Rights and/or the Loan(s)
- To any third-party providing any product and/or service related and/or connected to the product(s) and/or service(s) requested and/or offered by the Depository and/or related with the Loan(s)
- To any authority with the purpose to comply with the applicable law when said transfer is ordered.
- To Notary Publics duly authorized under the applicable legislation to formalize all procedures inherent to the “Loan(s)”; once this formalization is complete, to submit the documentation before the various Government Agencies for its due registration.
- To retain expert appraisers and other service providers to attain the required documents for all procedures related with the Loan(s).
- For all other items stipulated by Article 37 of the Information Law.
In virtue of the above, we inform you that the Depository, as responsible of your personal information, warrants that this Privacy Notice shall be observed at all times and that the necessary measures shall be taken in order to ensure that all people with access to your personal information do so, as well as the principles with the protection of personal information established in the Law of Information.
With exception of these cases, the Depository shall neither share nor release your personal information to any third, except for those cases provided in the applicable legal dispositions or when the Owner has consented to the release of its personal information in advance.
Security Measures.
Your personal information shall be protected in consistency with the administrative, technical, and physical measures that the Depository has implemented. These measures include policies, procedures, employee training, control of physical access and technical elements related to the control of the access to the information.
In case there is a security breach in any stage of the process of your personal information that may affect adversely your assets or moral rights, the Privacy Officer shall contact you immediately via e-mail or, if the Depository is unable to contact you by such means, he shall do so by regular mail in order to facilitate the Owner to take all necessary measures to defend its rights.
Changes or modifications to the Privacy Note.
The Depository reserves the right to carry out any changes or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, in the understanding that all such modification shall be notified to the Owner by publishing a new privacy notice in our website:, so we recommend you to verify it frequently.
When personal information is no longer needed for the purposes set forth in this privacy notice and all applicable laws and regulations, it shall be cancelled.
The Depository shall request the Owner’s consent to process its personal and financial information under the terms of this Privacy Notice at the time of gathering said personal information.
Sinergia Empresarial Crece
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Sinergia Empresarial Crece, SAPI de C.V., SOFOM ENR, no requiere de autorización de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público para su constitución y operación con el carácter de Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Múltiple. Fomento Ágil está sujeta a la supervisión de la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, únicamente para efectos de lo dispuesto por el artículo 56 de la Ley General de Organizaciones y Actividades Auxiliares del Crédito.

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